How to print or share your notes (pro)

Short version: With Pro, export your notes, get the zip to a computer and print the included html file. That's it.


  • You will need Pro to print.
  • You will also, likely, need a computer and a printer. Unless you want to print to a pdf only, in which case you don't need a real printer.

First, export your stuff

  • With pro, a printable html file will be included in all manual exports. Exports are zip files, with datafiles and images included as separate files.
  • If you want to share or print a single journal, you can export through the menu (manage xx > export) when you have that journal selected through the sidedrawer.
  • ...or if you want to export everything, you can export through settings. Scroll down, almost to the bottom of the settings screen and you will find an item titled 'Export data'. The best part? Every time you do a full export, you also make a full manual backup.

Get the exported zip file to your computer

  • When you export, you need to choose a location where you want to export to. Easiest way to get a file to a computer would be to export directly to your Google Drive. Keep in mind though, it will take a while for the Drive App (which is separate from Simple Journal) to upload any files you export to Drive.
  • In order to be able to open the exported file, you should export without encryption.
  • If you don't like exporting to Drive without encryption, you can also export to a folder on your phone or directly to an sd card, and then wrestle that file somehow to your computer. How exactly, is beyond the scope of this guide.

Then, open the zip file on your computer

  • Once you have the zip file on your computer, extract it, that way all the images will work too. Then open the file named viewer.html
  • Once open, you can filter by text and by journal, and you can choose which size the image thumbnails should be.
  • You can double click an entry if you want to print just one entry. You can also click on the images to make them full size. Or you can right click an image (click it to full size first) and choose 'save as' to do something with the image.

And finally, print your stuff

  • To print, you would use the browser print dialog (though the menu, or ctrl+p on Windows, or cmd+p on MacOS). You can then choose if you want to use an actual printer, or if you want to first print into a pdf (most modern browsers support this)
  • If you want to share your notes digitally, then consider printing into a pdf instead of sharing the zip file.


  • Why not print directly to pdf from the app? Good question, and technically there is nothing that would prevent it. However that would require including quite a sizable third party library as a part of the app, which would also add surface for supply chain attacks and other problems in the app. Thus, in the end, I feel like the html export does the job good enough, gives you more control over what to actually print, and also as an added bonus acts as a manual backup at the same time. Two birds, one stone, anyone?
  • Need help or want to provide feedback on the 'viewer'? Toss an email at [email protected] - we read every single message and try to reply to every single piece of feedback we get. Thank you. :)