Who's behind it?

Hi! I’m Mikko 👋

I’m the developer behind Simple Journal.

A real human being. Not a bot.

I answer your reviews, and if you drop an email at [email protected] it is me who will answer you.

Want to get acquainted? Drop me an email. I would love to hear from you. You can do it!! 💪 Shying out? I’m shy too. It’s fine. I’d still love to hear from you.

Or you can follow me:

Or connect on LinkedIn:

I haven’t produced all that much content online. Just getting started in that area. If you’d like my treatise on a subject, let me know.

Magille Ltd is my company, but since I’m a solopreneur almost all of it rests on my shoulders.

SJ’s not my only project, but it certainly has taken a lot of my time over the past years. Still does. And probably always will.

If you purchase Pro, you help me put more effort into SJ, and you also tell me that the app has value to you, and that you recognize the value it has. Even if you don’t, it’s fine. I still recognize the value it has. I use SJ myself.

It is also me who will help you if you run into issues, get questions, or want a refund on Pro. No one ever really wants a refund, though. Maybe you are the first? Just kidding. I hope you enjoy SJ whether free or pro, and if you don’t, I’d love to do whatever’s in my power to rectify the situation.

And no. I do not have your notes. In fact, I want nothing to do with them. So please, again, back them up. 🤗

End note

There are some other apps that have popped up over the years with the same or similar name (Simple Journal) — so pay attention to the company name as well when you install. Currently SJ is only available on Android (and by extension, Chromebook)

Would you want to see SJ on other platforms? Let me know. If enough people really want it, it might just happen!

👉 Get Simple Journal for Android